Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sri Gopal of Krishnadas Kaviraj

This is the deity of Sri Gopal worshipped by Sri Krishna Das Kaviraj at his residence of Sripat JhamatPur, Bardawan. West Bengal.
Picture published at Dhimahi , yearly magazine published from Ekachakra, by Mahanta Srimad Jivararan Das Babaji.


Harisaran said...

Thanks Subatra-ji for keeping this wonderful work flowing.

Your blog is here

Anonymous said...

Radhe Radhe Subrataji

The picture of Gopal here looks exactly like the MadanGopal of Sadhu Baba and who is worshipped by all his disciples -- with blackish blue complexion, His palm facing up and His other hand resting on the floor. Though I still dont have Him and I still worship Radha Vallabha, I hope to have Him if He is available in Vrindaban.

Kind regards